BigCommerce for B2B: Meeting the Needs of Business Customers

BigCommerce for B2B: Meeting the Needs of Business Customers

Bigcommerce helps businesses adopt the specific needs of their customers. When it comes to Business to Business e-commerce, it stands out. In this blog with Tekglide, we will explore what BigCommerce is, why it’s the ultimate B2B e-commerce solution, and its benefits for businesses, including customized pricing, order management, scalability, data security, and the perks of migrating to BigCommerce.

What is BigCommerce?

BigCommerce is an e-commerce platform designed to open the door for online selling for businesses. It’s an user friendly platform with a range of features and tools to help elevate businesses by managing their online stores smoothly. 

Understanding B2B Ecommerce Platform

B2B ecommerce platforms are specifically tailored to meet the needs of businesses that sell to other businesses. These platforms support features like bulk ordering, custom pricing, complex inventory management, and integration with business-specific software. BigCommerce excels in providing these features and more, making it a comfort choice for B2B businesses.

How BigCommerce is the Ultimate B2B Ecommerce Solution

How BigCommerce is the Ultimate B2B Ecommerce Solution

BigCommerce comes with exquiste features and advantages that make it the golden choice for B2B ecommerce solution:

  • Customized Pricing: An essential aspects of B2B e-commerce is customized pricing. Businesses often have negotiated pricing agreements with their clients. It allows businesses to set up custom pricing tiers, discounts, and even hide prices from non-registered users, ensuring that each B2B customer sees the right pricing.
  • Order Management: Efficient order management is critical for B2B operations. BigCommerce simplifies this process with features like multi-user accounts, purchase order support, and streamlined order processing. These features enable businesses to manage large volumes of orders with ease.
  • Third Party Integrations: BigCommerce offers integration with ease to third party applications and services. B2B businesses can easily connect their e-commerce platform to their existing software, whether it’s for accounting, inventory management, or marketing automation.
  • B2B Buying Process: B2B transactions often involve multiple decision-makers and complex purchasing processes. It caters to this by providing advanced approval workflows and quote management features. This ensures that the B2B buying process is smooth and that the right people have control over the purchase decisions.

User Experience 

User experience is of BigCommerce offers a user friendly interface that makes it easy for B2B customers to navigate, search for products, and place orders. The platform is designed to upgrade the customer journey, for increased sales and provide customer satisfaction. It offers responsive design templates that adapt to different devices, ensuring your online store looks and functions well on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. A responsive design is crucial as B2B customers access e-commerce sites from various devices.

The platform provides accessible navigation features, for customers to find products, explore categories, and access clear menus, well-organized product pages, for a smooth and efficient browsing experience.

Search is a critical element of UX, and BigCommerce offers a powerful search engine. Customers can quickly find products by using filters, sorting options, and a predictive search bar that suggests products as they type. This feature is particularly valuable for B2B customers who need to locate specific products or parts within a large catalog.

Scalability with BigCommerce

BigCommerce scalability, means it can upgrade the needs of both small and large B2B businesses. BigCommerce is a cloud based e-commerce platform, which means that your hosting facility can scale to meet your needs. 

  • BigCommerce’s flexible hosting can accommodate these changes without requiring you to manage the infrastructure yourself. This saves B2B businesses time and resources that can be better invested in core operations.
  • As your business evolves, so do your branding and functional requirements. BigCommerce allows for easy customization of your online store’s design and functionality. You can adapt your site’s appearance, layout, and features to align with your changing business objectives. 
  • Whether you want to add new product lines, introduce a client portal, or integrate new marketing tools, BigCommerce provides a flexible environment for growth. BigCommerce boasts an extensive app ecosystem. This means that, as your B2B business expands, you can readily integrate additional software and third-party applications to meet new needs. 
  • Whether it’s inventory management, marketing automation, CRM, or other specific requirements, BigCommerce’s app store offers a wide selection of integrations to enhance your e-commerce capabilities. This adaptability allows your business to evolve and respond to market changes.
  • For B2B businesses with diverse product lines, regions, or customer segments, BigCommerce provides multi-store management. Set up and manage multiple online stores from a single dashboard. This feature simplifies expansion into new markets or diversifying your product offerings, enabling you to scale your e-commerce operations without complicating your administration.

How to Incorporate Payment Integration with BigCommerce

Installing payment integration into your BigCommerce store for B2B customers to ensure smooth and secure transactions. A brief insights on how to do it:

  • Selecting a payment integration compatible with BigCommerce that aligns with your business needs. Consider factors such as transaction fees, supported payment methods, and security features. 
  • Log in to your BigCommerce admin dashboard. This from where you can manage your online store, including payment gateway integration.
  • Find the “Settings” tab and select “Payment.” This is where you can find payment related options for your store.
  • Click on “Payment Methods” and choose “Add Gateway.” You’ll see a list of supported payment gateways to select from.
  • Select the payment gateway you feel aligns with your needs from the list and follow the instructions. Enter details like API keys, account information, and business information.
  • Before making your store live, take advantage of the payment gateway’s testing or sandbox mode. Run a few test transactions to verify that the gateway works as expected.
  • Enable the payment gateway for your store. This makes it accessible to your B2B customers for making secure payments.
  • Depending on your B2B model, customize payment options to suit your customers. You can offer features like credit limits, purchase orders, or Net 30 terms.
  • To ensure a smooth payment experience for your B2B customers, create user-friendly guides and provide customer support.

Data Security

Data security is a top concern for B2B businesses. BigCommerce takes this seriously by providing robust security measures. Bigcommerce platform is Level 1 PCI DSS compliant, which ensures that sensitive customer data is protected. It also offers regular security updates and SSL certification to keep your online store secure.

Perks of BigCommerce Migration for B2B Business

BigCommerce Migration offers several benefits for B2B businesses:

  • Enhanced Capabilities: BigCommerce Migration brings enhanced capabilities, allowing B2B businesses to provide a better online shopping experience. The platform’s features, from advanced search functionality to responsive design, can help you stand out in the market.
  • Mobile Optimization: It offers mobile responsive designs, ensuring that your all customers can access your store conveniently from their smartphones and tablets.
  • SEO and Marketing Tools: It offers a range of SEO and marketing tools that can help your B2B business reach a broader audience. This includes customizable URLs, meta tags, and integration with email marketing platforms.
  • Expert Support: BigCommerce provides expert support and resources to assist businesses in making a seamless transition to the platform. This includes onboarding assistance, platform training, and access to a network of partners and developers.
  • Cost-Effective Solutions: While offering advanced features, it remains cost-effective. This is crucial for B2B businesses looking to manage their budget while expanding their online presence.


In conclusion, BigCommerce is the ultimate solution for B2B e-commerce, meeting the unique needs of business customers. Exquisite features like customized pricing, order management, scalability, data security, and a range of benefits from migrating to the platform, BigCommerce elevates businesses to excel in the competitive B2B e-commerce landscape. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, it offers the tools and resources to help you succeed in the world of online B2B sales. Make the move to BigCommerce with Tekglide and elevate your B2B e-commerce experience today.